Glype Proxies sent out several times per week on our Circumventor mailing list

If you found this page searching on Google for "glype proxies" to get around a web filter (WebSense, LightSpeed, 8e6 R3000, etc.), then you probably already know that most of the proxies on the first several pages of results will already be blocked. Well, of course they are -- the people who work at those blocking companies know how to go to Google and search for "Glype proxies" too, and block all of the sites that come up.

An easier solution is to use a proxy mailing list like our Circumventor mailing list, where we mail out proxy sites several times per week. These proxies support Glype (as well as other proxy scripts) to enable access to Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and other websites that are typically blocked.

To join the Circumventor mailing list and start receiving new proxies by e-mail, enter your e-mail address below: